Monthly Archives: March 2015

1 John 2:1-6 | So That You Will Not Sin


So That You Will Not Sin


1 John 2:1-6

Key Verse 2:1a


“My dear children, I write this to you so that you will not sin.”



The Christian life is a life of fellowship. It is a fellowship with God and fellowship with one another. The terms that John uses in his letter maybe strange to the non-Christians. But to the Christians, the terms he uses are not so strange. Rather they are somewhat interesting because they draw lines for us in life that otherwise we do not see in the world. For example, John uses terms such as light and darkness. He says that those who have fellowship with God, walk in the light, while those who do not have fellowship with God walk darkness. We talked a little bit about that when we went through chapter Read the rest

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