Children’s Bible Fellowship
Saturdays, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Bible study & Fellowship
Triton UBF church
Bible for children?
But Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” (Luke 18:16,17)
Children’s ministry is very important to us. Each week our children meet to worship God, have bible study and fellowship time at our church.
Junior Bible Fellowship (JBF)
Fridays 7p.m.-9:30 p.m.
Bible study & fellowship
Triton UBF church
Friday Night Meetings
7pm-9:30pm @ our church
Fellowship afterwards
Bring your Bible, a pen, and a testimony
Why Friday nights?
Friday night is a time to take a break from the the rest of the week and have a pleasant time. It’s a time to see your friends, catch up on the events of the week, and to simply enjoy life. What better way to do this than to spend time with God and God’s people?
Every Friday night we have a meeting at our Bible house. Our meetings consist of spirited worship, Bible passage reading, Bible testimonies, Bible study, and Christian fellowship. Our worship songs follow the contemporary Christian worship style. We share weekly struggles, prayer topics, and God’s work in our lives through testimony writing. (See the website for more information about testimonies). A Bible study follows that is open to discussion, comments, and questions.
Occasionally, we hang out afterwards. In the past, we’ve played games, went bowling, went to the beach, watched movies, etc. We are always open to suggestions and new ideas.
Won’t you check out our spirited and live Friday night?
Why study The Bible?
“Jesus answered, ‘Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’ ” (Matt. 4:4)
Have you ever thought about how hungry you really are? Hungry for love…peace…purpose…
You have other needs besides life’s basics of earning money, housing, eating meals, and being in relationships. You are a spiritual being and have a spiritual thirst and hunger that these physical things cannot quench. Your soul needs spiritual food, the bread of life and the living water, for nourishment. Your soul needs to be consistently fed with the Word of God from Bible study.
One to One Bible study?
One to One Bible study is a personal way of getting to know God. Each week, a
Bible teacher and a Bible student meet together to discuss questions and study the Bible from the heart. In this intimate environment, you can ask questions, bring out your concerns, and inquire about things you always wanted to ask but never had the courage to do so in a larger group setting. Each Bible study is meant to help you delve into a deeper relationship with God and to discover all the plans and purposes that God has for you. We recommend consistent, weekly Bible study appointments based on a convenient time between you and the Bible teacher. Our church provides a sound environment and space for these meetings, but location could vary. Usually, new students begin studying with the book of Genesis, the first and foundational book of the Bible. Check out the Genesis first lesson questions on our website.
Group Bible study?
Besides one to one Bible study, we also offer weekly group Bible studies. These typically take place on Friday nights and follow a specific book of the Bible. We study the Bible passage that will be included in the sermon for the upcoming Sunday service. To find out more about these meetings, visit our Friday Nights section. If you have friends who would prefer to study The Bible together in a group rather than one on one, we can also connect you with one of our suitable Bible teachers to organize a small group.
In your free moments, take time to browse through the posted Bible material created by members of our church. You will discovered valuable jewels and gems in the loving Word of God.
The benefits of studying the Bible with someone else are eternal. Why not give it a try today?
Who is a Missionary?
Missionary: [mish-uh-ner-ee] –noun 1. a person sent by a church into an area to carry on evangelism or other activities, as educational or hospital work (
Why Missionaries?
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28:19, 20)
Jesus commanded his students and followers to carry his teachings and to demonsrate his exemplary life to every peoples and every tribe of every nation.
Jesus is our Lord and Savior and we seek to please him and obey his words in the Bible. Therefore, we strongly and wholeheartedly believe in sending out contemporary, self-supporting, Biblically-grounded, faith-filled short-term and long-term missionaries to each and every corner of the world. We especially have a heart for the people in Africa and in the Muslim World.
We actively pray for our own church members to mature as disciples of Jesus and future fervent and devoted missionaries who will take the message of Jesus across international borders. Our Bible studies, weekly meetings, and Sunday services inspire us to have God’s visions and God’s dreams for lost souls whose lives need the loving touch of the Lord’s hand.
So far, we have sent out short-term and long-term missionaries to Mongolia, Ukraine, Sri Lanka, Costa Rica, Nigeria, and Sudan among others.
We also encourage God’s people around the world through attending various international Bible conferences. Our members have visited Russia, Germany, Kenya, Nigeria, Sudan, Lebanon, Indonesia, and India among others, in order to personally witness God’s growing work and to pray for the native leaders of each country.
We are very fortunate to live in America, the land of many opportunities, so we seek to practically, financially, contribute to other church chapters who may be in such need.
We continually pray for our church to be a World Mission Center and to actively participate in Jesus’ world mission command.
Would you please join and pray with us that Jesus’ command to “make disciples of all nations” may come true within our generation and that God may continue to call young man and woman into his service?
Are you interested in finding out how you can get involved in or support the missionary work? Contact us for more information.
Why study The Bible?
“Jesus answered, ‘Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’ ” (Matt. 4:4)
Have you ever thought about how hungry you really are? Hungry for love…peace…purpose…
You have other needs besides life’s basics of earning money, housing, eating meals, and being in relationships. You are a spiritual being and have a spiritual thirst and hunger that these physical things cannot quench.Your soul needs spiritual food, the bread of life and the living water, for nourishment. Your soul needs to be consistently fed with the Word of God from Bible study.
One to One Bible study?
One to One Bible study is a personal way of getting to know God.Each week, a
Bible teacher and a Bible student meet together to discuss questions and study the Bible from the heart. In this intimate environment, you can ask questions, bring out your concerns, and inquire about things you always wanted to ask but never had the courage to do so in a larger group setting. Each Bible study is meant to help you delve into a deeper relationship with God and to discover all the plans and purposes that God has for you. We recommend consistent, weekly Bible study appointments based on a convenient time between you and the Bible teacher. Our church provides a sound environment and space for these meetings, but location could vary. Usually, new students begin studying with the book of Genesis, the first and foundational book of the Bible.Check out the Genesis first lesson questions on our website.
Group Bible study?
Besides one to one Bible study, we also offer weekly group Bible studies. These typically take place on Friday nights and follow a specific book of the Bible. We study the Bible passage that will be included in the sermon for the upcoming Sunday service.To find out more about these meetings, visit our Friday Nights section. If you have friends who would prefer to study The Bible together in a group rather than one on one,we can also connect you with one of our suitable Bible teachers to organize a small group.
In your free moments, take time to browse through the posted Bible material created by members of our church. You will discovered valuable jewels and gems in the loving Word of God.
The benefits of studying the Bible with someone else are eternal. Why not give it a try today?
Who is a Missionary?
Missionary: [mish-uh-ner-ee] –noun 1. a person sent by a church into an area to carry on evangelism or other activities, as educational or hospital work (
Why Missionaries?
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28:19, 20)
Jesus commanded his students and followers to carry his teachings and to demonsrate his exemplary life to every peoples and every tribe of every nation.
Jesus is our Lord and Savior and we seek to please him and obey his words in the Bible. Therefore, we strongly and wholeheartedly believe in sending out contemporary, self-supporting, Biblically-grounded, faith-filled short-term and long-term missionaries to each and every corner of the world. We especially have a heart for the people in Africa and in the Muslim World.
We actively pray for our own church members to mature as disciples of Jesus and future fervent and devoted missionaries who will take the message of Jesus across international borders. Our Bible studies, weekly meetings, and Sunday services inspire us to have God’s visions and God’s dreams for lost souls whose lives need the loving touch of the Lord’s hand.
So far, we have sent out short-term and long-term missionaries to Mongolia, Ukraine, Sri Lanka, Costa Rica, Nigeria, and Sudan among others.
We also encourage God’s people around the world through attending various international Bible conferences. Our members have visited Russia, Germany, Kenya, Nigeria, Sudan, Lebanon, Indonesia, and India among others, in order to personally witness God’s growing work and to pray for the native leaders of each country.
We are very fortunate to live in America, the land of many opportunities, so we seek to practically, financially, contribute to other church chapters who may be in such need.
We continually pray for our church to be a World Mission Center and to actively participate in Jesus’ world mission command.
Would you please join and pray with us that Jesus’ command to “make disciples of all nations” may come true within our generation and that God may continue to call young man and woman into his service?
Are you interested in finding out how you can get involved in or support the missionary work? Contact us for more information.