Monthly Archives: June 2014

Matthew 6:5-8 | Pray To Your Father Who Is Unseen

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Pray To Your Father Who Is Unseen


Matthew 6:5-8

Key Verse 6:6


“But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.”


After the Lord Jesus called his first disciples, he gave them their first public teaching in the Sermon on the Mount. He talked to them about the kingdom of God, about its laws and its life. In that kingdom, God is not only King, but he is a Father. He not only gives us all things, but he is all things to us as well. When we come to know who our God and Father is, we can be blessed beyond measure. And so, Jesus taught … Read the rest

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