Category Archives: Other

Romans 12:9-21 | LOVE MUST BE SINCERE


Love Must Be Sincere


Romans 12:9-21

Key Verse 12:2


“Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is–his good, pleasing and perfect will.”


Read the commands stated in this passage, at least verses 9-13. There is a popular kind or way of thinking that would consider these command unreal and unreasonable since we cannot produce in and of ourselves emotions that would force us to feel this kind of love or affection for someone else. So the thinking is that God would not demand of us to do so. And when we think like this, and we read over these commands, what happens is that we instinctively either skim over

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