Category Archives: 2 Corinthians

2 Corinthians 1:12-24 | ALL GOD’S PROMISES ARE ‘YES’ IN CHRIST


All God’s Promises Are ‘Yes’ In Christ


2 Corinthians 1:12-24

Key Verse: 1:20


“For no matter how many promises God has made, they are ‘Yes’ in Christ. And so through him the ‘Amen’ is spoken by us to the glory of God.”


It won’t be hard to understand this particular passage once we understand what Paul’s point is in these verses. They come across as his self defense which we will look at very closely, because there’s much to learn from them. Interestingly however, let’s not forget that he’s defending himself to a church and believers he himself had evangelized, and personally taught the Scriptures to, not casually but with the devotion of a father to his own children. He had loved them deeply, served them fervently and mentored them with the eagerness of Christ … Read the rest

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