Monthly Archives: May 2012

1 Corinthians 10:1-22 | Lessons From History


Lessons From History

1 Corinthians 10:1-22

Key Verse 11

“These things happened to them as examples and were written down as warnings for us, on whom the fulfillment of the ages has come.”

Paul gave examples from his own life on how he lives his Christian life. He lived a life that pleased God in every way. And he used his Christian freedom to serve God’s purpose and not to better himself and gain any benefit from them. And he used his freedom in becoming everything to everyone just so as to win them over to Christ. And he did. He humbled himself when he preached to the Corinthians, and became as one of them, and so he won them over to Christ. Now he had passed this legacy on to the Corinthians and … Read the rest

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