Monthly Archives: May 2017

Teaching How To Pray


Amid the current week’s book of scriptures study and petition time we investigated Matthew section 6 where Jesus instructs on supplication. In verses 9-13 Jesus articulates what may appear like an exceptionally basic petition however is stacked with philosophical profundity and basic criticalness. While appropriate shortsighted at first look, Jesus gives a capable model of what Christian petition ought to incorporate.

We should investigate the supplication found in verses 9-13 and highlight some critical characteristics of the model that Jesus gives:

“Our Father who is in paradise… ”

Jesus starts by recognizing the Heavenly Father. He is the maker for goodness’ sake and is most importantly.

“Consecrated be Your name… ”

Subsequent to recognizing His glorious Father and before approaching Him for anything, Jesus respectful sentiments the name of God with acclaim. God is not a genie here just to … Read the rest

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